Skillshare Class! Shape Language in Character Design

I've got a class on Skillshare!

Learn how to design fantasy characters by using basic shapes as building blocks. I'll teach you to look for shapes in a character's features, and we'll explore what different shapes mean to us at first glance. The class is a series of video lessons designed with beginners in mind, so no prior skills are really required -- just a love for unique, quirky, and weird characters, and a willingness to draw. I'll be demonstrating in Photoshop CS4, so you can follow along with digital drawing software or a pencil and paper. Eventually, we'll walk through the class assignment together and make our own character with the concepts we've learned! There's no passing or failure -- it's purely an exercise to flex those creative muscles, and I'll help you through each step.

The class is completely free until April 13th, so go on and give it a try!

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